Related Guidance Notes
GNES 13: The Employer Branding Emergency
GNT 66: Knowledge Intensive Companies
GNT 57: Trading Company Status
GNT 56: Business Asset Disposal Relief (formerly Entrepreneurs’ Relief)
GNT 25: Recovery of VAT on Fundraising
GNT 49: Investors’ Relief
GNT 45: Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) Essentials
GNT 37: Seed Enterprise Investment Scheme Essentials
GNT 16: EIS Administration
GNT 15: EIS Business Angel Relief
GNT 41: RDEC – Essentials
GNT 36: Enhancing R&D Incentives on Clinical Trials
GNT 31: SME R&D Tax Credit and RDEC Comparison
GNT 28: Sub-contract R&D and Externally Provided Workers
GNT 27: SME R&D Regime Essentials
GNT 22: Qualifying Direct and Indirect Activities for R&D Tax Incentives
GNT 19: BEIS Guidelines for R&D
GNT 18: Going Concern Requirement for SME R&D Incentives
GNT 8: R&D Incentives Chart of Accounts
GNT 5: Subsidised R&D – for Claimants Under the SME Scheme
GNT 2: Qualifying Expenditure – RDEC
GNT 1: Qualifying Expenditure – SME
GNT 47: Patent Box R&D Fraction – As Applied to Life Sciences
GNT 7: Patent Box