Related Guidance Notes
GNX 11: Using Independent Expert Reports for an IPO
GNX 10: Transactions – Good Practice Part II
GNX 9: Transactions – Good Practice Part I
GNX 8: The Divestment Challenge
GNX 7: PharmaVentures Data Room Structure Guideline
GNX 5: M&A in COVID-19 Environment and Beyond – Keep Your Perspective
GNX 6: Why Licensing and Partnering Activity Should Remain Steady in 2020
GNX 4: Partnering Essentials: Identifying and Engaging with Potential Licensees
GNX 3: Will the latest diagnostic technologies change clinical practice?
GNX 2: Interpreting and Negotiating Deal Terms for a Licensing Agreement
GNX 1: Dancing with the Dragon: Cross-border Transactions between China and the World
GNES 13: The Employer Branding Emergency
GNT 59: Corporation Tax Deductions for Employee Share Schemes
GNT 56: Business Asset Disposal Relief (formerly Entrepreneurs’ Relief)
GNT 58: Corporate Criminal Offence – As Applied to Life Sciences
GNT 39: Demergers
GNT 4: Deferred Consideration
GNT 3: Licensing
GNT 29: Tax Model